Saturday, October 4, 2008

No real topic for today's post...

I don't have anything in particular to post tonight; just wanted to see a change for once when I signed in to my blog. We have had a busy few weeks. Jason is still in North Carolina working and we are all working through the kinks, cracks and everything in between. Although we all miss eachother like crazy, this is the best thing for the moment for us and I am certain we will make it through this and end up where we are suppose to end up. I stay busy with the boys as usual with work, homework, and the normal bed time dramas. The boys are doing well and getting big. Colby took his first trip to the ER on Thursday but left with a good report. We thought he may have broken his wrist, but ended up being a pulled ligament. He is back to 100% trying to flip and break dance all over again. Carson has become quite the copier and finding it amuzing to repeat cuss words all over again. Here is a few recent pics of the boys and their muscles..

A few more pics of the boys.. Colby with Sadie and Carson jumping off Jason in the pool.

Mr. not doing anything wrong

Carson loves the camera and wanted to take some pics one night so here is a few of us being bored.

Colby and I..

Welp, I suppose that's all for tonight. I hear quiet in my house which means both boys are sleeping. I am heading to go lay in my bed and watch something other than the NICK and DISNEY channels. Will be back tomorrow.
(((HUGS))) Jules

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Uncertain Decisions and Needing to Have Faith!

I sit here tonight with many mixed emotions. Should I be blogging about this, should I suck it up and deal with it? Who knows....... I may type this and delete it, we shall see. It makes me feel better to write, so no pictures, no funnies just my feelings and mood tonight. Most of you don't know we have been struggling financially for quite some time. The available work in the construction field in our County is horrible. Jason has worked in construction most of his work life and has dealt with no work and layoff after layoff. He went back to work at the bar that his mom & her boyfriend own in hopes to pick up the slack in our financial problem. He wanted to be more than just an employee and continued to work, take care of things when needed w/ out being asked. Get called in the middle of the night since the alarm company have us as the respondent if his family can't be reached and put his heart and soul in to his job everyday. All of this was priority to him even during times when he wasn't getting along w/ his mom's boyfriend (step dad as we called him). I can recall getting a call at 3am one morning that the alarm was going off and they hated each other at the time, Jason got up, rushed to his house & picked him up to go take care of things. Needless to say they had one last argument that landed Jason out of a job that he valued and enjoyed. He wanted nothing more than to manage that place and help keep honest people working and get rid of the people who were stealing, lying, etc....... He was the one that got the boot. So what next.. we argued at money problems and stressed and stressed some more. I cried, his blood pressure went through the roof. We got a email from one of his good friends who just moved to NC to Manage a Bar/restaurant saying he would get him a job. But-- did I want that, did "we" want that. He would have to go to NC to work and me and the boys would stay here. Was it worth it? Neither of us are sure, but after 12 yrs of being together and some pretty hard times, I am willing to give it a try. So tonight, me and the boys said goodbye to Jason as he headed on a long 13 1/2 hour drive to North Carolina. I was of coarse a basket case, Carson started to cry as Jason was turning off our road. We hugged and i told him it was OK to cry and miss his daddy. Colby doesn't understand and just kept saying "why crying mama". We should have our daddy home in about 2 weeks for a few days and see how this is all working out. With much prayer and hope we hope this works out, financially we can re-gain our stability and eventually me and the boys will move to NC as well. It's weird how we ended up in this situation. We spoke previously about wanting to move out of Florida and were leaning more to the Northern area of SC. When the job opportunity arose I didn't know what to do. I prayed and prayed hard...that if this was meant to be it would fall in to place. Not only did this job become available , but the owner has an apartment he is letting Jason stay in for nothing at this time. i could only believe that this was meant to be and in the end we will be OK. I have probably for the first time ever turned everything over to god and plan on leaving it in his hands. I am at a very vulnerable moment in my life and know I can't control what is going on. I bust my ass 5 days a week everyday, rarely missing a day of work, come home and take care of my boys and start all over again the next day. What more can I physically and mentally do? Nothing! I have no extra time in my day, no extra stress to handle.... One day at a time, one moment in a day and one prayer at a time. I will have faith and we will make it. Jason needs to be in a job where his opinion counts and his knowledge will take him somewhere. I hope this is a new beginning that will lead us to happiness in the end. I will go for now and love on my innocent boys who don't quite understand all of this. Whelp, i guess I will leave this and not delete it. I think I would like to re-read this in a few weeks and see if i am in the same frame of mind. If you are reading, thanks for letting me vent. I value and am very thankful for the wonderful friends I have. Friends are the heart that everyone needs. GOOD NIGHT ALL......... (((Hugs)))

Monday, August 25, 2008

A few busy weeks...

We have had some busy weeks and a broken computer.. uggg.. that can make someone mad!! We had to shop for school stuff and get Carson ready to begin 1st grade. He was excited at first; however, has had a hard time adjusting and gets a little upset everyday. Here is a pic of Carson the morning of his 1st day of First Grade.
We also got a new pool for the summer and are enjoying every minute of it. Carson has learned how to swim w/ out his floatie thingee's and Colby is getting braver every day. Colby was using the floatie's as well as a ring, but has asked more than not to get out of the ring and swim around w/ just the floaties.

Yes, Carson is crazy and wants to jump, dive, flip and try to get himself trapped like Cris Angel Mind Freak and escapes.

There is the little man smiling in his floatation devices..ha!

There is a good shot of our pool. The backyard has became quite the playground. We have the Pool, Trampoline, Half Pipe Skate Ramp and tons of riding toys, etc.. We are the new Clampet's or Sanford and Sons. Jason and I got the pleasure of going out of town for the night to a friend's wedding on Ft. Myer's Beach. We hadn't seen Dru for a long time so it was nice to catch up, have a few drinks and enjoy some quiet time w/ my husband. Even though I was jipped of my nap and couldn't sleep worth a shit. We never have any pics of Jason and I so I made sure to take a few even though they aren't very good. They will do for now.

That was on the way to the wedding in the car.. as if we were a bunch of highschool kids or something..ha..

Not too happy w/ that one,but oh well...

That's about all I will bore you with the Wedding stuff. When we got back our cousin's Billy and Brandy with their kids Jorden and Tristen came down before going to Disney World and we hung out with them a little bit.
Oh.. and during this time.. Tristen came running out to where the boys were with out her diaper (she ran away from her mama when she was changing her) and leave it to my boys to have something to say.. Colby started running around yelling "Naked Butt" while Carson as loud as humanly possible asked Tristen "Where did your weiner go". Apparently he didn't realize that she didn't have one of those. So ... after a nice explaination, Carson decided to draw a girl w/ NO Weiner but a SLIT in her private area on the big dry erase board that we were all playing pictonary on. Nice huh? I am in for some interesting years w/ these boys. I didn't get many pics and none of us adults.. Just a few of the kids. Here is the boys playing playstation and cracking themselves up.

There's Jorden, Colby and Carson.. Tristen was playing w/ dolls or something.. ;-)
Colby loves his Grandma and here is a priceless pic of him with her. We don't get enough pics of the kids and their grandparents.

I suppose since Carson is so big and all he has decided he needs to take showers in the stand up shower in our room. He also learned how to make interesting things w/ his way over due for a haircut hair. the newest member of our family....... LOLA FAY GUZIK. Yes, Carson gave her all of her names. She wondered on our doorstep the night before Tropical Storm Fay was coming through our County so she got an appropriate Middle Name. Lola.. who knows where that came from. Probablly Zoey 101 since that's what we watch here on the Disney Channel. She is a blessing, lovable, fun and a good cat and mostly she is able to handle a house w/ some crazy boys and a german shephard..

I suppose that's all for now... I will post again as soon as I come up with something interesting or my boys create a sharable moment. Hope you all are enjoying reading my mess and have a wonderful week. As always.. you can never give enough hugs. and....... something I am working on:::: Forgiving Others for things they may have done. You have to be able to forgive someone in order to be forgiven yourself.
Good Night All!!!!! ((((HUGS)))) Jules

Monday, August 4, 2008

Lightening Storms & Swimming Boys

We had an adventerous weekend. After being more stressed out than humanly possible at Walmart trying to pick up our pool on Friday night with a 2 year old who had NO nap and felt he needed to scream the whole 35 minutes I had to wait for the Site to Store Pickup person to come. The plumber fixed our shower which was only broke for lets see.. ummm 4 yrs and we finally go the pool set up. Throughout that whole process, Jason and I managed to get shocked or struck whatever it may be by lightening. We are ok and the pool is ready to swim in. Carson got in for a few minutes tonight and didn't have his floaties on. He can touch and I was standing right there so I said go for it buddy.. Swim just like you do w/ your floaties on. He tried it and viola..... Carson is swimming under the water and on top w/ no floaties. We are so proud of him! He was so scared just a few months ago and now is swimming like a fish. He loves it! I will upload and post pics tomorrow. For now, I will answer Emily's Random Thursday questions on this Monday evening. While Colby is in Time out for screaming...

1. When showering- in what order do you wash and clean yourself, including hair? Were you taught or did you perfect your own strategy??
~I wet myself, then shampoo my hair & rinse, then apply conditioner and leave it on while I, wash my body, shave if I decide to do so that time, then rinse my hair out.

2. Who is the biggest gossip in your family?
~I know there are some behind the doors talkers, but what family doesn't have them? I am sure I have done my fair share of "venting" or talking as well. Can't really put my finger on one person other than my Grandma.. she was real bad.

3. Who is the most influential person in your life right now?
~I can't really think of one person.

4. Have you ever been constipated, and if so what did you do?
~Weird question, but I'll answer.. while I was prego I got constipated from all the iron in the pre-natals. Took a stool softener and it worked like a charm.

5. What reality TV Show would you want to be on right now?
~Family Feud, I love that show..

6. Do you have a certain word or phrase you always use that you are aware of? If not- ask your friends/ family for the answer...
~I am known for saying "Yeah" but it is a drawn out Yyeeaahhh, IDK, Can't really type how it sounds.I didn't know I did it so often till I started getting laughed at a mimiced.

7. What video game would you challenge your friends to for a $1,000,000 prize.
~Some of the friend Guitar Hero ( I am not good, but better than them) others Mario Brothers. I learned to play that w/ the 2 Emily's on the base. Emily Horn was the coolest because she had a nintendo before any of us.

8. Out of all the people you know- who would you vote for President?
~Our friend Adam. He is a political junky and study's this stuff. He gets facts and sorts out what's best.ha!

9. If you were President- what would be you number 1 change? And who would be your VP??
~More help for the working /middle class families. I don't think there is enough financial and health insurance help for those of us who work and have kids to raise. As far as VP goes, I don't have a clue. I am not very political.

10. What is your favorite- cheeseiest- movie of all times?
~I am going to second Emily's response w/ Back to the Beach-OMG I love that movie. Pretty in Pink, and Sixteen Candles.

~Bonus Question~ What is the weirdest game you ever made up to play when you were a child, an original home-made that makes you laugh to this day?
*Not really a game, but we use to have a bike club that we made up and played everyday*

I will go for now. If I feel froggy, I'll upload some pics. Jason is going fishing to the Keys this weekend which means I get a girl night away soon.. Woo hooo..

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Birthday's for the Boys!!

Welp..My Boys celebrated their 2nd and 6th birthday in the last week. I can't get over how big they are. Carson is getting tall and thin and Colby is getting bigger and bigger. He is like a little tank. Here is some new pics of them.







A few weeks ago my Cousin's kids were down for a little while and the kids spent much time at the pool. Carson finally became daring and went from freaking out when he went under to this in a matter of days~~

YUP... A FRONT FLIP.. HE IS MY CRAZY "EXTREME SPORTS" BOY.. ONCE HE GETS THE RUSH, HE DOES IT OVER AND OVER AGAIN..and Colby learned to swim as well.. with his floaties on. Here is is swimming to his Grandma

Jason and I rarely take any pics of us together and work opposite schedules right now. We are looking forward to an overnight trip to Ft. Myers for a friends wedding in 2 weeks. I am anxious to sleep in more than anything. I know... how boring!! Give me some time away from the kids and I want to sleep..ha! The joys of motherhood. Welp. That's all for now. It has been a while since the last post. Things have been crazy, busy, work, etc.... (((Hugs))) Julie

Friday, July 11, 2008

~Thursday Questions on a Friday~

~*~ Thanks Emily for letting me copy your questions ~*~

1. What sounds do you hear at this very moment?
~Disney Channel

2. When was the last time you lost your temper?
~Ummm... A few months ago. It doesn't happen very often. I have major patience..

3. Does your resume contain a little/a lot/or no embellishment?
~None really.. I don't even have a resume right now...

4. What cliche or phrase makes you cringe?
~Can't think of one right now

5. What is an instant mood booster for you?
~My Kids laughing or silly as it may sound-- finding out I have a sitter and get to go "out" for drinks w/ my friends.. I get all giddy like I was in highschool or something.

6. What is the worst thing you have ever been called?
~ I don't really think of anything out of the oridinary lately.. in Highschool I was picked on because of my braces and hairy arms.. I will NOT say the names because I know some of you will take that to the bank..ha

7. In your opinion, who or what is "the next big thing?"
~ I am....

8. In what way(s) could you be considered rude?
~I am bad about picking/talking about strangers and the people who wear clothes they really shouldn't be wearing. I guess that's why I was picked on in school..ha. I am sure people say shit about me too but whatever..

9. What do you find unbelievably sexy?
~ A Daddy who loves his kids and doesn't mind taking them places and a man who helps his wife w/ normal daily duties.

10. What areas of your life need a complete overhaul?
~I don't know.. there is alot of things I guess.. My quality time w/ my kids, some personal stuff and I guess making decisions about the future.

Thursday, July 3, 2008

We Miss you Grandma/GiGi and Duke Ellington?

Well today is the one year anniversay of my Grandma's death. Wow, it sure doesn't seem that long ago that my grandma passed away. We miss her very much, look at her pictures daily hanging on my fridge and always think of her. Here is a picture of me and grandma while I was prego w/ Colby. It's the only one I could find at the moment.

Grandma was such a mess and snotty and told everyone what she felt, when she felt it and didn't care if she upset anyone.. Ha! She always said you either "Say it like it is or don't say nothing at all"... Ok.. on to the next part of my title.. Who is Duke Ellington? Well, according to Carson who while sitting on the couch tonight looks at me all serious (while watching Steve Urkel by the way) says.."mom, you know that man Duke Ellington?" In my mind, I am thinking where did this come from and ummmm.. no, for some reason I can't remember Duke Ellington **Note to self: Google him later when carson is in bed..ha**..He tells me he was a piano player who got killed because he tried to have everyone let the black people in to the resturants and schools. Duke wanted everyone to be friends and somebody shot him because of this. Well... I am thinking this was Martin Luther King, Jr. Sooo.. I will be spending some time reviewing my history tonight. Mind you this boy just finished Kindergarten and told me he learned this in school. Welp.. Congrats to having a good teacher.hha...
**Hope everyone has a happy 4th and be safe. Hug your loved ones and tell them you love them.**

~~Quote my mom always uses.. "Life is not measured by the number of breaths you take; but my the moments that take your breath away"!!!! ~~