Monday, August 4, 2008

Lightening Storms & Swimming Boys

We had an adventerous weekend. After being more stressed out than humanly possible at Walmart trying to pick up our pool on Friday night with a 2 year old who had NO nap and felt he needed to scream the whole 35 minutes I had to wait for the Site to Store Pickup person to come. The plumber fixed our shower which was only broke for lets see.. ummm 4 yrs and we finally go the pool set up. Throughout that whole process, Jason and I managed to get shocked or struck whatever it may be by lightening. We are ok and the pool is ready to swim in. Carson got in for a few minutes tonight and didn't have his floaties on. He can touch and I was standing right there so I said go for it buddy.. Swim just like you do w/ your floaties on. He tried it and viola..... Carson is swimming under the water and on top w/ no floaties. We are so proud of him! He was so scared just a few months ago and now is swimming like a fish. He loves it! I will upload and post pics tomorrow. For now, I will answer Emily's Random Thursday questions on this Monday evening. While Colby is in Time out for screaming...

1. When showering- in what order do you wash and clean yourself, including hair? Were you taught or did you perfect your own strategy??
~I wet myself, then shampoo my hair & rinse, then apply conditioner and leave it on while I, wash my body, shave if I decide to do so that time, then rinse my hair out.

2. Who is the biggest gossip in your family?
~I know there are some behind the doors talkers, but what family doesn't have them? I am sure I have done my fair share of "venting" or talking as well. Can't really put my finger on one person other than my Grandma.. she was real bad.

3. Who is the most influential person in your life right now?
~I can't really think of one person.

4. Have you ever been constipated, and if so what did you do?
~Weird question, but I'll answer.. while I was prego I got constipated from all the iron in the pre-natals. Took a stool softener and it worked like a charm.

5. What reality TV Show would you want to be on right now?
~Family Feud, I love that show..

6. Do you have a certain word or phrase you always use that you are aware of? If not- ask your friends/ family for the answer...
~I am known for saying "Yeah" but it is a drawn out Yyeeaahhh, IDK, Can't really type how it sounds.I didn't know I did it so often till I started getting laughed at a mimiced.

7. What video game would you challenge your friends to for a $1,000,000 prize.
~Some of the friend Guitar Hero ( I am not good, but better than them) others Mario Brothers. I learned to play that w/ the 2 Emily's on the base. Emily Horn was the coolest because she had a nintendo before any of us.

8. Out of all the people you know- who would you vote for President?
~Our friend Adam. He is a political junky and study's this stuff. He gets facts and sorts out what's best.ha!

9. If you were President- what would be you number 1 change? And who would be your VP??
~More help for the working /middle class families. I don't think there is enough financial and health insurance help for those of us who work and have kids to raise. As far as VP goes, I don't have a clue. I am not very political.

10. What is your favorite- cheeseiest- movie of all times?
~I am going to second Emily's response w/ Back to the Beach-OMG I love that movie. Pretty in Pink, and Sixteen Candles.

~Bonus Question~ What is the weirdest game you ever made up to play when you were a child, an original home-made that makes you laugh to this day?
*Not really a game, but we use to have a bike club that we made up and played everyday*

I will go for now. If I feel froggy, I'll upload some pics. Jason is going fishing to the Keys this weekend which means I get a girl night away soon.. Woo hooo..