Monday, August 25, 2008

A few busy weeks...

We have had some busy weeks and a broken computer.. uggg.. that can make someone mad!! We had to shop for school stuff and get Carson ready to begin 1st grade. He was excited at first; however, has had a hard time adjusting and gets a little upset everyday. Here is a pic of Carson the morning of his 1st day of First Grade.
We also got a new pool for the summer and are enjoying every minute of it. Carson has learned how to swim w/ out his floatie thingee's and Colby is getting braver every day. Colby was using the floatie's as well as a ring, but has asked more than not to get out of the ring and swim around w/ just the floaties.

Yes, Carson is crazy and wants to jump, dive, flip and try to get himself trapped like Cris Angel Mind Freak and escapes.

There is the little man smiling in his floatation devices..ha!

There is a good shot of our pool. The backyard has became quite the playground. We have the Pool, Trampoline, Half Pipe Skate Ramp and tons of riding toys, etc.. We are the new Clampet's or Sanford and Sons. Jason and I got the pleasure of going out of town for the night to a friend's wedding on Ft. Myer's Beach. We hadn't seen Dru for a long time so it was nice to catch up, have a few drinks and enjoy some quiet time w/ my husband. Even though I was jipped of my nap and couldn't sleep worth a shit. We never have any pics of Jason and I so I made sure to take a few even though they aren't very good. They will do for now.

That was on the way to the wedding in the car.. as if we were a bunch of highschool kids or something..ha..

Not too happy w/ that one,but oh well...

That's about all I will bore you with the Wedding stuff. When we got back our cousin's Billy and Brandy with their kids Jorden and Tristen came down before going to Disney World and we hung out with them a little bit.
Oh.. and during this time.. Tristen came running out to where the boys were with out her diaper (she ran away from her mama when she was changing her) and leave it to my boys to have something to say.. Colby started running around yelling "Naked Butt" while Carson as loud as humanly possible asked Tristen "Where did your weiner go". Apparently he didn't realize that she didn't have one of those. So ... after a nice explaination, Carson decided to draw a girl w/ NO Weiner but a SLIT in her private area on the big dry erase board that we were all playing pictonary on. Nice huh? I am in for some interesting years w/ these boys. I didn't get many pics and none of us adults.. Just a few of the kids. Here is the boys playing playstation and cracking themselves up.

There's Jorden, Colby and Carson.. Tristen was playing w/ dolls or something.. ;-)
Colby loves his Grandma and here is a priceless pic of him with her. We don't get enough pics of the kids and their grandparents.

I suppose since Carson is so big and all he has decided he needs to take showers in the stand up shower in our room. He also learned how to make interesting things w/ his way over due for a haircut hair. the newest member of our family....... LOLA FAY GUZIK. Yes, Carson gave her all of her names. She wondered on our doorstep the night before Tropical Storm Fay was coming through our County so she got an appropriate Middle Name. Lola.. who knows where that came from. Probablly Zoey 101 since that's what we watch here on the Disney Channel. She is a blessing, lovable, fun and a good cat and mostly she is able to handle a house w/ some crazy boys and a german shephard..

I suppose that's all for now... I will post again as soon as I come up with something interesting or my boys create a sharable moment. Hope you all are enjoying reading my mess and have a wonderful week. As always.. you can never give enough hugs. and....... something I am working on:::: Forgiving Others for things they may have done. You have to be able to forgive someone in order to be forgiven yourself.
Good Night All!!!!! ((((HUGS)))) Jules


Anonymous said...

Like your blog Julie! Love the pics too!
To answer your question...our church is affliated with Church of God, but our pastor doesn't really conduct church that way. It's a contemporary church with a band and we sing praise and worship songs, come to church in jeans, shorts, whatever, and the pastor is 29 yrs old, so he's close to our age and says it like it is...we love him because he's not afraid of what anyone thinks, he just wants to bring people to Jesus and that's what we're here for, so our church is awesome and if you have found a place like that, it's awesome and it will change your life!
P.S. Thanks for reading my blog:)