Friday, July 11, 2008

~Thursday Questions on a Friday~

~*~ Thanks Emily for letting me copy your questions ~*~

1. What sounds do you hear at this very moment?
~Disney Channel

2. When was the last time you lost your temper?
~Ummm... A few months ago. It doesn't happen very often. I have major patience..

3. Does your resume contain a little/a lot/or no embellishment?
~None really.. I don't even have a resume right now...

4. What cliche or phrase makes you cringe?
~Can't think of one right now

5. What is an instant mood booster for you?
~My Kids laughing or silly as it may sound-- finding out I have a sitter and get to go "out" for drinks w/ my friends.. I get all giddy like I was in highschool or something.

6. What is the worst thing you have ever been called?
~ I don't really think of anything out of the oridinary lately.. in Highschool I was picked on because of my braces and hairy arms.. I will NOT say the names because I know some of you will take that to the bank..ha

7. In your opinion, who or what is "the next big thing?"
~ I am....

8. In what way(s) could you be considered rude?
~I am bad about picking/talking about strangers and the people who wear clothes they really shouldn't be wearing. I guess that's why I was picked on in school..ha. I am sure people say shit about me too but whatever..

9. What do you find unbelievably sexy?
~ A Daddy who loves his kids and doesn't mind taking them places and a man who helps his wife w/ normal daily duties.

10. What areas of your life need a complete overhaul?
~I don't know.. there is alot of things I guess.. My quality time w/ my kids, some personal stuff and I guess making decisions about the future.