Friday, June 20, 2008

Life can change in the matter of seconds

Although I didn't personally know Mason Smoak his passing today made me stop and think. This man was in his 30's and in a second his live was over. His poor wife and kids are without the man in their life.... No matter what happens in your life rather it be your husband, wife, family, co workers I am going to try to never leave the house angry or go to bed w/ out sharing my thoughts and feelings. You never know when you life will take a turn and I don't want any regrets... Hummmm... Too much to think about. On a lighter note, I am proud to have given this puppy that we have some shots today and a de-wormer all by myself..Thank God for Tractor Supply and their cheap Vet Shots.. HERE is Pugsley the Pain in the Ass..ha!..
So.. my old timey friend from way back when does these questions on her blog and I liked it so much I decided to copy it and include my own answers for tonight.. The kids are watching "Camp Rock" so I have a free it goes

1. When you Google yourself, what is the first result that comes up?
~Some people I have never heard of & Julia Roberts

2. Are you presently the subject of any rumors?
~I am sure (my husband quit drinking some time ago and recently had a few beers, I am sure word has it that I don't know and everyone is probablly keeping it from me..ha)

3. Have you ever given or received a "Dutch Oven?" (You might have to Google this one).

4.What makes the hair on the back of your neck stand up?
~People smacking their mouth while eating or chewing w/ your mouth open. ugggg

5. How many of your ducks are in a row?
~I would like to say most of them and I like it that way.

6. What phrase or sentence will never come out of your mouth?
~"I Hate You", While I may dislike some people at times, Hate is pretty harsh and I would like to think I can handle myself enough not to HATE anyone.

7. Have you ever been homeless or close to homeless?
~Yup.. After Hurricane Andrew.. I had to live in a hotel for 2 months very in a whole new city, etc..

8. What is intoxicating to you?
~Hearing my kids laugh with that Hard giggle from the inside.. especially when it makes "me" laugh.

9. Do you have a will?
~Kinda, we have a store bought one that says where my kids go if something happens to Jason and I and what to do with our house, etc.. Actually, I need to update it with Colby.. eekks...

10. What is your absolute truth?
~I believe in marriage and will try to make it work no matter what

~Bonus Question~ Do you have a trademark--either physically, professionally or otherwise?
Trademark: Not that I can think of..


Robin said...

Love it! Glad you started one. And help yourself to the Random Thursday Questions--they're always good if you can't think what to write about, in my experience! :)